Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Nyanyiiiii aahhhh

Apapun yang terjadi
dalam hidup ku ini
tak pernah kuragukan kasih Mu Tuhan,,,,

Lewat gunung yang tinggi
dalam lembah yang curam
tak pernah ku ragukan janji Mu Tuhan

Kau berfirman dan sembuhkan ku
Kau bersabda dan slamatkan ku
tiada yang mustahil bagi Mu
YESUS ku percaya pada Mu

Grammar for Kids

English Grammar for Kids

English grammar for kidsThis section contains online activities that can help children develop their grammar skills. Our activities focus on the main grammatical topics taught on elementary English courses.
The Grammar Helpers section is divided into 7 parts called adventures. Each adventure is about a different point of grammar and comes with online activities. Each activity has two stages. The Learn stage presents new grammar material, and the Practise stage contains simple grammar exercises. Kids can work through the grammar adventures systematically or in any chosen order